Beauty is what is seen and loved

Life is the gift of Nature, beautiful living is the gift of wisdom. –Celtic adage

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Thursday, March 8, 2007

Moosie Spindle

Since getting a wheel I haven't used my drop spindles for many projects although it is where I began my journey into spinning and honed the basics of drafting. Demonstrating how to use a drop spindle is about the only time I take them out. I enjoy spindling and feel it is the essence of spinning, but the reality is that I can't produce a lot of yarn with one, so sadly they stay tucked away, and do not get the respect they deserve.
Enter the Moosie....a spindle that will command any spinners respect. Journey Wheel ( makes these beauties in limited quantity each season and the entire experience of obtaining one is enjoyable....if you're not about the instant gratification.
Firstly, there is the list, you request a Moosie, either in person or electronically, and are put on it. I did it in person at the NH Sheep and Wool Show in May of 2006, and then the waiting begins. When you've waited and almost feel you may have been forgotten an email arrives that you've been placed in a herd and there is an estimated "date". You continue to wait. Seasons change, holidays come and go. This is where I in limbo as it were. (props to Jimmy Cliff)
A friend, who had been in a few herds ahead of mine had this experience.....She was sent photos of the whorls when they had all been craved and were ready to be selected....oh, it was so exciting to see the pics, any one of which you would happily take. There is also a companion sheet that wonderfully describes each with it's variations, weight and markings that make it look like it's moose antler, and even suggestions of exotic wood choices that would best match each whorl, but ultimately it is you decision. This friend sent back her selection and in a few weeks....(at this point, who cares, the end is near) of waiting, received the most amazing spindle. Gorgeous in every way.....materials, design and craftsmanship. It is fabulous to spin, and restores ones desire for the simple process of spinning, often forgotten for the mentality of production.
I cringe at the number of projects I've sold that were rushed through to get "done".....dozens. They were great and finished and of good quality, but without much enjoyment of the process. Holding my friends Moosie spindle reminded me that anything worth doing is worth doing right and taking the time to savor the anticipation is part of that. Hope to remember this lesson when mine arrives...I'm still waiting.

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